Guide CB – Bo Gdynia

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Civic Budget 2024 starts on 1 February and will run until 20 September, when the results of the vote for projects will be announced.


  • 1 to 29 February 2024:  submission of district and city projects
  • 1 March to 27 June 2024: verification and additions to projects
  • to 10 May 2024: workshops to refine city projects
  • 26 March to 2 July 2024: appeals against negative evaluations
  • 2 to 16 September 2024: voting on the projects
  • to 20 September 2024: announcement of the results of the vote

Pool of funds

This year, as part of the Civic Budget, the inhabitants of Gdynia can decide on what to allocate a total of PLN 12,837,607.

The amount of PLN 3,000,000 was earmarked for CITY PROJECTS submitted under special thematic areas: Climate Civic Budget and Jubilee Civic Budget.

The amount of PLN 9,837,607 was allocated for DISTRICT PROJECTS – small (up to PLN 20 thousand) and large (up to 90% of the amount per district).

Scope of projects

Submitted projects must fit into the catalogue of own tasks of the municipality and the district and be in line with the rules of the CB 2024 process, as defined in resolutions of the City Council and the Mayor’s order. The residents’ ideas may concern investments as well as so-called “soft” activities, e.g. events or classes.

The conditions that projects must fulfil

1. Public availability

Civic Budget projects should be accessible to all interested residents so that they can benefit from the initiative implemented within the framework of the CB. In practice this means:

  • in the case of investments (e.g. sports, cultural or leisure), access for interested residents for at least 6 hours a day from Monday to Friday (8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and for 10 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday (8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.);
  • in case of purchase of equipment for an institution/entity acting for the benefit of residents, possibility of using this equipment by all interested residents during the working hours of this entity, and outside working hours – according to the rules determined by the entity;
  • in the case of projects concerning the organisation of events, classes, etc. – enabling all interested Gdynia inhabitants to use the results of the project within a specific target group of the project (e.g. youth, seniors) or – in the case of a limited number of places – open recruitment of participants.

The hours of renting/lending to businesses, NGOs and sports clubs are not considered as providing access to residents.

In case of doubt as to whether a project is open to the public, the final decision as to whether to allow it to be voted on is taken by the Mayor after consultation with the Civic Budget Board.

2. Universal design

Projects submitted to the Civic Budget should take into account universal design, i.e. enable also residents with special needs, e.g. with mobility impairments. In practice, this means that:

  • when building new leisure and sports facilities (e.g. playgrounds, gyms, sports facilities) one should:
    • include equipment adapted to the needs of people with mobility or sensory disabilities (intellectual, visual and auditory) and the needs of carers of people with mobility disabilities,
    • take into account accessibility of the site for people with special needs and free access to the site via a barrier-free route;
  • when planning the modernisation of existing leisure and sports facilities, consideration should be given to improving accessibility and supplementing them with facilities accessible to all;
  • when planning the organisation of activities, events, etc., try to choose venues that comply with the accessibility principles or provide alternative access (e.g. assuming the costs of renting/purchasing devices that ensure accessibility) and include measures to ensure that people with special needs can participate.

3. Purposefulness and economy

The activities proposed in the project must lead to the objectives set, and the resources allocated for implementation should be proportional to the planned effects. Projects must not duplicate existing activities or infrastructure, except where existing activities do not meet the needs of local residents.

4. Compatibility with the principles of social coexistence

The scope of the projects should respect generally accepted good manners and social norms related to the functioning of different groups of inhabitants in the common urban space. The project description must not contain content that is widely regarded as obscene, offensive, vulgar or which may be perceived as socially reprehensible.

5. Completeness

The scope of the projects must also constitute a complete investment or action, i.e. guarantee that residents will be able to fully benefit from the effects of the implementation of the application submitted under CB.

Projects that cannot be submitted in CB:

  • which assume the execution of design documentation only,
  • concerning the construction, extension, reconstruction, superstructure or renovation of buildings, with the exception of solutions to improve accessibility to buildings for people with disabilities,
  • the predominant part of which is the construction, extension, reconstruction or renovation of car parking spaces, with the exception of those reserved exclusively for persons with disabilities,
  • which are contrary to measures previously financed from the city budget,
  • contrary to applicable municipal plans, strategies and programmes or other applicable legislation,
  • with the characteristics of State aid,
  • requiring, at the stage of project assessment, in-depth analyses related to the assessment of the effects of the proposed solutions on traffic on public and internal roads,
  • infringing the rights of third parties, in particular property rights and/or copyright,
  • combining investment tasks with soft projects concerning the organisation of events, activities, etc., unless the soft activities are closely linked to the planned investment,
  • involving the carrying out of an investment in more than one location if it has different purposes,
  • duplicating existing activities or infrastructure, except where existing projects do not meet residents’ needs.

Types of projects


A. Project scopes and amounts

Project proposals may fall into areas such as:

  • education (for example, workshops, prevention activities, regional education, educational campaigns, purchase of books, games, teaching aids for institutions),
  • communication and traffic organisation (e.g. cycle paths, pavements, roadway repairs, traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, elevated crossings/pedestrian crossings),
  • culture (for example, festivals, concerts, art classes, film screenings, theatre performances, exhibitions),
  • public space (e.g. small architecture [such as benches, waste bins, bicycle racks], decorative elements in the space, lighting, development of squares and plazas)
  • sport and recreation (for example, playgrounds, dog runs, outdoor gyms, sports competitions and activities),
  • health and social policy (for example, preventive screening, health education, installation of defibrillators, social inclusion measures),
  • greenery and environmental protection (e.g. tree and shrub planting, landscaping of parks, flower meadows, installation of air quality meters, solar panels, rainwater management).

At the district level, it is possible to submit small projects (up to PLN 20 000) and large projects (the value of which does not exceed 90% of the pool allocated to a given district). Each project must be supported by a certain number of people per district.

CB in individual districts:

Gdynia districtFunding pool
for large projects*
Funding pool
for small projects
Number of signatures
of support required
Babie Doły362 228 PLN40 248 PLN1
Chwarzno-Wiczlino951 277 PLN105 697 PLN14
Chylonia621 233 PLN69 026 PLN20
Cisowa398 062 PLN44 229 PLN10
Dąbrowa413 194 PLN45 910 PLN13
Działki Leśne236 670 PLN26 297 PLN7
Grabówek265 199 PLN29 467 PLN7
Kamienna Góra425 438 PLN47 271 PLN3
Karwiny262 779 PLN29 198 PLN9
Leszczynki261 662 PLN29 074 PLN7
Mały Kack501 123 PLN55 680 PLN9
Obłuże558 255 PLN62 028 PLN17
Oksywie389 912 PLN43 324 PLN14
Orłowo462 890 PLN51 432 PLN6
Pogórze617 023 PLN68 558 PLN12
Pustki Cisowskie-Demptowo387 706 PLN43 078 PLN7
Redłowo263 677 PLN29 297 PLN7
Śródmieście329 197 PLN36 577 PLN11
Wielki Kack422 603 PLN46 956 PLN11
Witomino354 222 PLN39 358 PLN16
Wzgórze Św. Maksymiliana369 495 PLN41 055 PLN10

* maximum cost of a large project

B. Submission of applications

For an idea to make a difference in a district or city to be considered, it must be described in an application form and submitted with the necessary attachments between 1 and 29 February 2024.

In the project, both the purpose of the project, responding to a specific perceived need, and the activities necessary to achieve that purpose, appropriately priced, shall be described. If the idea is an investment, its location should be additionally indicated (plot number), which the Gdynia Map Portal helps with. When the chosen location is not a city plot, a statement must be included in which the property owner agrees to the development if the project wins.

The application must be accompanied by a list of signatures of support from the residents of the district for which the project is submitted.

A clear photo/scan of the letter must be attached to an electronically submitted application. In this case, the original letters of support must be kept by the author until the date on which the list of projects qualified for the vote is announced (i.e. 20 August 2024) and presented in the event of a summons. By storing the lists, the author is obliged to comply with the provisions of GDPR.

The application may be submitted:

  • electronically – by filling it in in the system, to which the website refers on the indicated date,
  • in person:
    1. at the headquarters of the Social Innovation Lab (SIL) at ul. Żeromskiego 31,
    2. at the reception desk of the Neighbourhood Centres
      • Przystań Śmidowicza 49, Śmidowicza 49 St. in Gdynia,
      • Przystań Lipowa 15, Lipowej 15 St. in Gdynia,
      • Przystań Opata Hackiego 33, Opata Hackiego 33 St. in Gdynia,
      • Przystań Widna 2, Widna 2 St. in Gdynia,
    3. at the libraries:
      • Biblioteka Cisowa in Przystań Chylońska 237, Chylońska 237 St. in Gdynia,
      • Biblioteka Pustki Cisowskie in Przystań Chabrowa 43, Chabrowa 43 St. in Gdynia,
      • Biblioteka Mały Kack in Przystań Łowicka 51, Łowicka 51 St. in Gdynia,
      • Biblioteka Butikowa in Przystań Wiczlińska 50, Wiczlińska 50 St. in Gdynia,
    4. Wymiennikownia – Youth Center for Social Innovation and Design, Kartuska 20B St. in Gdynia.
  • via traditional mail to the address Social Innovation Lab, ul. Żeromskiego 31, 81-346 Gdynia, with the annotation “Project – Civic Budget”,
  • electronically as required by law.

REMEMBER! The date of delivery of the application shall be the date on which it is submitted within the deadline.

Every citizen of Gdynia can submit any number of projects for any district within CB – not only the one they live in. In the case of similar or complementary projects, officials may suggest that applicants combine their ideas. This will only happen if all authors agree to it.


A. Project scopes and amounts

City projects are submitted under two specific thematic areas:

  1. “Climate Civic Budget” (CCB), the aim of which is:
  • increasing the amount of greenery in the city (e.g. pocket parks, care of mature trees, planting trees and other greenery, increasing biodiversity – including flower meadows),
  • rainwater and snowmelt management (e.g. rain gardens and other forms of small retention, permeable surfaces, precipitation measurement points),
  • on CO2 emissions through the development of bicycle infrastructure,
  • and educational, cultural and information activities in these areas and on municipal waste management.

The amount of the pool for city projects under the “Climate Civic Budget” (CCB) is PLN 2,000,000, and the cost of one project may not exceed PLN 1,000,000.

  1. “Jubilee Civic Budget” (JCB), which:
  • is related to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of granting city rights to Gdynia
  • includes projects concerning activities popularizing the history of the city or supporting the building of local community
  • includes activities to be implemented in the period from 1.01.2025 to 31.12.2026

Excluded from the possible realization of activities under JCB are projects whose subject matter falls within the range of CCB. A project submitted under JCB with such topics may be assigned to the category of urban projects submitted under CCB.

The amount of the pool for city projects under the “Jubilee Civic Budget” (JCB) is PLN 1,000,000, and the cost of one project may not exceed PLN 100,000.

B. Submission and development of projects

City projects are submitted at the same time and under similar conditions as district projects, but city projects must:

  • address the needs of residents in different districts;
  • be important for the whole city or a significant part of it;
  • be submitted by a minimum of 3 persons;
  • get the support on the lists of at least 30 people living in the City of Gdynia.

The submitted city projects will undergo formal and preliminary substantive evaluation, and will be further developed during workshops with the participation of authors, officials and interested residents. As a result of the workshop work, the submitted city projects will be able to be combined or significantly changed with the consent of their authors. Information on the number and form of workshops will be published on the Civic Budget website and communicated to project authors.

Support in filling in applications

The specific project idea can be consulted with representatives of city units who will participate in the verification process. Contact details can be found at You can always ask for support from the Social Innovation Lab staff as well. Contact can be found >> here.

Verification of applications

Before a project is put to a vote, it has to be checked in detail by officials. The idea is to allow residents to choose only from among those ideas that will be feasible to implement.

The examination of applications involves two mainstages:

  • general verification,
  • substantive verification (location analysis for investment projects and technical and financial analysis).

During the verification process it may turn out that the project is not feasible in the form described. If it can be modified, the reviewing officer will contact the author and propose the necessary corrections to be made to the project. These may include, for example, the need to reduce the scope of the project if the proposed investment exceeds the quota in the district. Or a change of location if the plot indicated in the project has been allocated for other purposes. The author will be able to improve the proposal according to the suggestions of the officials within 5 calendar days. If author fails to do so, the application will be rejected and will not be put to the vote.

Within 3 business days of receiving information about the negative verification of the project, the author will be able to appeal against this decision. The appeal can be submitted on paper at the offices of SIL (ul. Żeromskiego 31) or electronically to or as required by law. In the body of the appeal, one should describe objections to the verification and its results and give reasons for opinion.

The verification of city projects will differ slightly from the verification procedure of district projects. Both types of projects will undergo formal and preliminary substantive verification, but the urban project will be further refined during workshops with the participation of authors, officials and interested citizens. Information on the number and form of workshops to refine municipal projects will be published on the Civic Budget website and communicated to project authors.

The final substantive analysis of the urban projects will be completed at the same time as the district projects, i.e. by 27 June 2024.

As in the case of district projects, the inhabitants will be able to follow the progress of project preparation via the electronic project management system, which will be available through the website.

The final list of all projects put to the vote will be announced on the website by 20 August 2024.


Every inhabitant of Gdynia, regardless of age or citizenship, can take part in the vote within the framework of the Civic Budget 2024. A person wishing to vote who lives in Gdynia, but is not registered here, has not previously registered to vote and does not have a Resident’s Card, may only submit a written declaration that he/she lives in Gdynia. This also applies to foreigners living in Gdynia. A model statement is available here.

As part of the vote it will be possible to vote for:

  • a maximum of 3 small district projects,
  • a maximum of 3 large district projects,
  • a maximum of 3 city projects within the framework of the Climate Civic Budget (CCB),
  • a maximum of 3 city projects within the framework of the Jubilee Civic Budget (JCB).

REMEMBER! District projects are selected in one freely chosen district (not necessarily the one where you live).

Voting for the Civic Budget projects will take place between 2 and 16 September 2024. Votes can only be cast electronically via the website. Before casting your vote, you will be asked to prove your identity by providing identification data – your PESEL number and father’s name or your resident card number and name.

Each nominated project will receive one point (vote). The city projects and those in individual districts (large and small) that receive the most votes will go through to implementation. The identification of projects to be implemented in each districts starts with small projects. The funds remaining after the deduction of the amount allocated to the winning small projects are allocated to the remaining projects according to their valuation until the funds allocated to the respective district are exhausted.

In the case of projects that receive the same number of votes and there is not enough money to implement both, the winning project will be the one that falls within the remaining amount in the district or will be selected by drawing lots by the Civic Budget Board. The draw protocol will be published on the portal.

Importantly, at least 1,000 people must vote for a city project to be put forward for implementation. For district projects, the minimum threshold of support is 50 people.

Funds not used in a given district will be added to the pool for that district in the next edition of CB. Exceptions are provided: the relevant district council can decide to allocate funds from its budget to a small or large project with the highest support, which is just “below the line”. A private donor may also decide to subsidise such a project.

In the case of district projects, if the next-best project cannot be fully implemented with CB funds, the remaining funds increase the city pool of the Civic Budget in the next edition. The exceptions are when the City Council submits a resolution to the Mayor with a commitment to allocate the missing funds to the “first under the line” project or the missing amount for the project is provided by a donor.

The results of voting for projects in this year’s CB will be announced by 20 September 2024. The list containing the number of votes obtained by all the projects will be published on the website and the City of Gdynia website

Implementation of projects

The implementation of projects selected in 2024 can start from January 2025, i.e. after the adoption of the city budget for the following year. Before that, in October 2024, the Mayor will announce the cells and units responsible for implementing the winning projects. 

Information on the status of each project is updated on a regular basis and published on the website under >>Projects under implementation.